Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ode to Christopher Morley

Memorial Day was a huge success -- well, at least half of it! Just as I was about to leave for Longview, Charlie rushes in the living room to mention how the shower won't stop running cold water..? He told our neighbor Chris who was eager to do a "real man's job." He brought over a tool box full of real tools and everything! He must hide them really good because I didnt even know he owned such a thing. Although, even after he tried to fix it, it only became worst making the water stream out faster. Mary suggested we call our friend Kali's boyfriend Stanley. Not only did he find the problem, but he also told us where to turn the water off outside. "Landlord Gary" as he's under in my phone was being super sketchy and had his phone off Memorial Day even though Mary and I clearly saw him at Brookshire's moments before the accident happened. Oh well, he's going to have to pay for it. (pun intended)

The celebration didn't end until almost 5am this morning. Woke up on a couch this morning inside an apartment that's located next door to my old piano teacher's apartment..? What are the odds of one of your best friends moving in next door to your old piano teacher's apartment? Seriously, what are the odds? She's not there anymore, but still -- the memory's there of all those years walking up to that door and hearing her bitch at someone for not practicing. I need to call her soon torant about how good everything is going musically and non-musically.

"Hey, Esther. Yeah, I'm not apart of your "music academy" anymore so lower those eyebrows since I'm on a first name basis with you. I have job playing stuff I never practiced for you. I mean-- I have a job pretty much sight reading stuff I never practiced for you. Yeah, I've improved that much without your expensive help my junior / senior year. And without you smacking on your bananas and whatever I heard you adding extra distraction to in my ear while I was trying to play that Bach for you. (to be cont'd)" (btw-- that's the uncensored version. I'm not that bold / too polite to the elders to pull the "keepin' it real" card)

After getting unloaded from Natchitoches, I met up with my friend Tanner at his new place, met his new crew / roomies, and enjoyed some pie. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories / what makes them who they are / their interests.

Interesting stories / quotes of the night:

(after meeting Tanner's new friends Santos and Stephen)
(Stephen was a typical frat kid (Kappa Sigma, to be exact) with his broad and clever knowledge of how to set beer pong cups and his overwhelming eagerness to boast about the fact that he bought the 30 pack of Keystone in the fridge every 10 minutes. Other than the stereotypes I just listed, he was definitely a good time to be around. Hilarious. Every. Other. Sentence.
(If only he knew though; Word Association: Keystone, Bull Piss, Sparkling White Welch's Grape Juice Gone Super Sour, YUCK in all caps) Santos didn't say much because of all the alcohol he'd been drinking. He was one of those that got super moist from drinking so much. He kept on having to go back inside to "cool off." Yet, him and Stephen together were a pretty funny duo. I knew he was part Asian, but I knew it didn't stop there so I had to ask..)

Me: "So what are you?"
Santos: "I'm part Irish, Italian, Portuguese, White, [etc.]"
Stephen: "Yeah, but your mom's white as FFFFUCK!"

Santos: "So I video taped me and my girl having sex multiple times.."
Stephen: "..yeah, and there was one time we passed that slut drivin'. I turned to Santos and was like, 'Isn't that that slut you slept with!? Hey slut from the video! SLUT FROM THE VIDEO! Oh, and the funny thing about her name: it was (pronounced, but probably not spelled: SHI'thead) But when you write it down it looks like Shit Head! That's what we called her.'"

(while interrupting all 3 of us from talking so loud -- around 3AMish)
Tanner: Shh! Guys, guys. We have to be quiet. My roommate's window is right up there and I can hear y'all two apartments down. I think I heard her cough. It's early. You can hear the birds.."

(after making majority of the beer pong shots for me and Stephen's team)
Stephen: "Do you need a massage because I bet your back hurts from carrying our team to victory!"
I wonder how many times he's used that line..

(after dealing with sketchy people who are undecided whether they were going to show up)
Tanner: "You know, the way I see it, I'll text you once or twice, but don't think I'll be blowin' up your phone to come to my parties. Either you show up or you miss out, but bitch don't think I'm gonna beg you to come!"

Okay, questionable situation: is it "2010" to wear 3-D glasses to parties now? This is probably the 3rd party I've been to with jokers wearing 3-D glasses. We're already in 3-D, guys. Yet, these people had the film cut off where they were just frames..? Maybe it's an "L-town" thing; Lafayette, LA / Longview, TX. You won't find me doing that..

I'm super excited about the summer camps coming up! Brittany Laza's been elevating everyone's excitement with all her pre-camp info Facebook messages. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this and the reason why I'm so excited is probably because I'm not fully aware of what I'm going to have to do. Pretty sure I'll be blowing up this blog page with some good stories if we get internet at the Columns since that's where we're staying. I thought I was off the island for good. FALSE.

Dr. McLaren's husband is delivering a couch to our place for Charile and I this Friday! Ahh, one furniture piece closer to completing this undone creation of a house.

"Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age." -Christopher Morley

Friday, May 28, 2010

Short Descriptions and Monologues

I could go into detail about "lately" in a normal style, but that'd be too easy / would take too long / too many stringy details -- blahblahblah. Instead, I'll mention in Nutshell Modern Language Format slash simple description / memorable quotes.

  • I had to save the day one day with my driving back and forth skills because of certain misfortunes: Kirbye's car suddenly having a few flat tires at a very public parking lot. To the scene of the crime, to the police station, to her place, swing by Wal Mart-- but in mix and match order. Luckily, Charlie was along for that entire ride with me otherwise I would not be so humble through it all.
    (outside the police station)
    "I kinda want to go in there and see if they have Kirbye tazared on the ground or something." -Charile
    "That police man was so stupid. He asked me if I stole someone's boyfriend." -Kirbye

  • Rented a "duet bicycle carriage" with Mary. We rode it up and literally down Natchitoches. Natchitoches looks better in slow motion -- while peddling.
    "Yes, ma'm. If you want to rent the bike [carriages], you'll need to go to the music store. That's where you can rent them." -the woman at the info center on front street
    Sheet Music, Reeds, Valve Oil, and Bikes; it's a sign of the times if this is what's at a music store now a days.

  • My friend Natalie came by my house one night because she felt spontaneous and wanted to go swimming at a local boat dock. I needed a break from practicing so decided to go along with her and the neighbors. I haven't been on a boat in a while so sitting on the dock with the water moving as if to make it feel like I was in a Fiest video (My Moon My Man) or a horizontal escalator -- if that makes sense? Surprisingly the water was super luke warm -- not that I got in it. That's silly. It was also really cold / windy that night. Well, up until someone mentioned the fact it was cold then this warm wind creeped by following these quotes:
    "Did y'all feel that? It just got suddenly warm -- kind of like someone just took a big piss in the wind." -Chris
    (Elton John's Benny and the Jets comes on the radio on the ride back home)
    Chris: "I'm so glad y'all are my friends. Back when I was in high school, the kids I hung out with didn't feel that kind of music."
    Natalie: "I feel like I can dance like a real white person when I listen to Elton."

  • Had another annual reunion via cell phone with an old friend. His life is so celeb -- halfway. It's like he lives the stardom life, but only locals know he's famous; he went "missing" / huge weight loss / partied way too hard / almost died twice / the list goes on. Yet, he's still alive, he still considers me one of his best friends even though the loss of contact, and he's becoming healthier while still having fun. Taking life one day at a time mindset. Oh, and he lives in his dinning room, too. We're so living the 2010 lifestyle, for sure.
    "Crowe, we've been talking for almost an hour!"
    "Well, what do you expect when you don't talk to someone for almost over a year?"
Sometimes I wish my living room had carpet, but then I wouldn't be able to laugh when one of my neighbors successfully looks ridiculous trying to skate around my living room while bashing me and my talent to fall on my face when I try to do the same (H U G E B R E A T H H E R E) just so they could lose control and become instantly talented once they discover where the wood floor meets the carpet floor at the entrance to my bedroom. Oh, did I el oh el. Or did I "fun..?" According to my twitter text from my friend OMGFACTS, "lol" in the Dutch culture means fun.
Not to mention, I love my life. I have a simple once a day week job where I practice / exercise doing what I love, (playing piano), live only 2 hours away from my permanent address / hometown friends, live in a house AT A LOCATION that is conveniently "gas efficient", one month away from networking with all the important clarinet Jesus' around the world / just watching them perform / buy tons of clarinet shit-- life is simple, life is great :) : ) :) colon parenthesis confetti EVERYWHERE!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"..because we all know fried chicken is Mexican food."

So I finally told my mom that my temporary roommate is gay. I don't know why I felt like she would be uncomfortable with this news. Yet, she threw me off when she asked, "Does he wear make up?" I didn't want to encourage it so I didn't respond.

I'm going to turn my living room into a skating rink soon. I mean, I have speakers and wooden floors, why not? What's more cheesy is the fact that my skates are old school heely's, but with an extra wheel near the toe. I tested them out in my kitchen back home and by tugging from one chair to the next with them on was good enough practice. HA! Pullin' a Matilda on the livin' room flo.

Last night Mary and I spent the evening attempting to be adventurous by exploring an old abandoned building in town. We even purchased two dollar flashlights at Wal(star)Mart. However, a certain "Natchitoches maintenance crew" thought they do the building a favor and fix the entrance so no one could enter it anymore. LAME. During the process of it all, we both came to realization that our lives have been so consumed with school related activities and other distractions to where we were never left with enough time to actually LIVE. Of course, we would come to this revelation when we're finally on our own, with jobs, dealing with average adult dilemmas. No fear, though. First step is admitting the problem, right? We've made a list and hopefully we'll accomplish them all as the summer comes to an end.

I kind of got lost on the way to my first job. I could have sworn Many, LA was literally up the street from the interstate. Not up the street, past a bunch of fields, around the corner from the Catholic church, and through that barely working red light. slash 50(+) MILES AWAY. Luckily, I left early enough to make it there on time. Everyone treated me like we were friends forever. The irony of that is the fact that majority of them were over 50 years old; people I couldn't have been friends with as old as they were because I haven't been around long enough: Carolyn, Carroll, Bill, Shirley, (insert traditional elderly name here), (and here), and (if you want, here, too). Favorite quote of the day there:

(insert paster's name here): "We got Cinco de Mayo luncheon this Wednesday. Come fellowship with friends, eat good food, and enjoy God's presence -- because we all know fried chicken is Mexican food!"

It's gonna be a good time. Everything's pretty sight read-able and Mrs. Carroll and I have kind of a lot in common. She played the clarinet, piano, and minored in music her first year in college. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK! Plus, she's so funny and relate able.

We'll dance to the songs from the cars as they pass
Weave through the cardboard, smell that trash
Walking around in our summertime clothes,
Nowhere to go while our bodies glow

Look it up.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Movin' On Up -- Finally Gotta Piece of the Pie

Man, I don't know why I'm not able to sign in on the last account I made on here. Mmn, whatever.

This blog entry's goal: to be more compressed than the last. (I. Love. To. Type! Obviously?)

So I woke up at the ungodly hour of 9somethingAM, (Heaven forbid, right?), to go to Midas with my mom to change the oil and apparently the a/c filter because it looked like a burnt accordion when they gladly brought it out to us while waiting for the main reason: oil change. My mom and I watched an entire episode of Home Improvement in the lobby until they were done along with some classy and underclass rednecks. How did I tell the difference? The 2/3 rednecks brought Popeye's while they waited on their car while the other one sat properly drinking his grande Starbucks drink. For later reference of course.. ;)

After that, I made the executive decision to download four albums of music since Pandora's doesn't care to share their music longer than 40 hours per month. Yes, I've exceeded that amount twice lately. You can't just rely on one source for music anymore. They're starting to charge now, apparentally. Luckily, there's amazon, youtube, and I have friends with good taste in music. Otherwise, :||, :||, and you guessed it --> REPEAT.


(sing it the best you can): BRITTANY CROWE WILL BE WORK-ING -FOR-THA-WEEKEND :)
Yeeup, this girl right here got employed thanks to networking with Mary Osteen. Starting this Sunday, I'll be helping "Ms. Carroll" with the hymnals at this Methodist church in Many, LA. 10 seconds after getting the number to the church from Mary, I called them. A secretary picked up and directed me to Ms. Carroll. She sounded so sweet and 60s. Not the era, but the age; soft spoken, pre-school teacher-ish -- sort of like a Louisiana version of Ms. Doubtfire. I imagine she's very precious in an elderly way. We went on to talk about how it would only be a "show up for service" type deal and how choir rehearsal was no included just yet. She asked if I were familiar or experienced with hymns and when she heard the number of years I took lessons and how I could "play" classical stuff, she knew I was well prepared.

Ms. Carroll: "..you see, back in my day, I minored in music so I don't know as well as much as you do so I believe you're well suited for the job more than myself."

TRANSLATION: "..you see, if you mess up *correctly*, I WON'T KNOW. 10-4!?"

Messing Up Correctly -- playing what's written wrong, but it sounds right. (too good at that)

The moral of the story: 2 jobs -- CHECK! Guess who's living room will have new furniture from IKEA soon? OOOH, WATCH OUT!

Prelude No. 1 - In the beginning.. Page One

(this was really written May 19, 2010 however, I forgot my password to the other account so take 2!)


I haven't blogged since... ooh -- junior / senior year of high school..? It's not old news though seeing as I'm a veteran of this craze since I was 11 years old, it makes sense I would return. Time to bring it back!

Lately, I live in Natchitoches. Yes, Longview for me has officially retired as a part time home which I'll be staying at for the next two days. It seems like my mom is always finding some kind of reason to make me come back. I guess she can't help that her last child is in her twenties and is nearing the day where her current "permanent" address will no longer be permanent.

Since I've returned for the first time this summer, I learned of all kinds of news. The following bullets highlight such "important / interesting" news the locals / my mom has informed me of:

  • Two houses down my street from me lived a lady Mrs. Traylor. She walked her dogs daily, lived alone, and put up the cutest Halloween decorations every year. She died-- parked on the side of the road and shot herself. She was only 52 years old. Yet, I imagine everyone's first assumptions to her death would be because she was lonely-- even with her dogs.
"She looked so happy. You would never guess someone like her would want to do that to them self. " - my mom
  • I visited my best friend Kaitlin and her mom for the first time in weeks. Some guy gave them a "new doorbell." They're not for sure where, but it's cool as hell! It has 8 different ringtones: Beethoven's 5th, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Happy Birthday, and Yellow Rose of Texas just to name a few. (that last one is so King of Hill lol) It was really quiet over there now that I think about it. I keep forgetting her dog died recently. He would bark every time I came by since 5th grade. Her name was Sabel and she looked like Lassie.
  • My grandma made the paper for being a cancer survivor and apparently my dad got shirts made for the doctor and nurses and few other employees with their names on it and cliche pink cancer ribbons printed on them..? So random. New local celebrities I guess.
And to believe-- that was yesterday's news. What does May 20th have in store?

However, in a nutshell / 10 bullets or less;

My Summer So Far:
  • I live in a house / duplex / castle; (however narrow your mindset is, I guess) in Natchitoches. Either way, it'll be my new home that I'll be paying for through multiple jobs I guess with Charlie Bass as my roommate. He's such a reasonable slash good roommate. I'm thankful. This was made official when the lease was signed yesterday :)
  • Last night we played hide and seek with the neighbors (Ryan and Coop) on their side of the house -- lights off, can't use your phone for light, haunted house style. Yes, people faked hiding places at times to just to hear Charlie Bass scream. It was great. Gotta love the neighBROS ;)
  • Also, yesterday I finally had a good talk with someone I've been wanting to talk / hang out with for a while. Her name is Marla. She's amazing and she's probably grouped in with the small handful of people I look up to "music profession wise." Even though she's not majoring in music anymore, she still had some good advice / insight with the whole "music education scene." We surprisingly equally level out on a lot of topics and sadly recognized the flaws of the music ed department at NSU. Oh, and she's a fan of my new summer jam My Girls by Animal Collective. It's always exciting finding someone who enjoys a certain song as much as you do to where you both do the same dance move at the exact same time because of a certain entrance of a beat or chord progression. (Nerd-Alert! Nerd-Alert! Not to toot my own alarm..)
  • I love reminders that I'm a music major.
    Me: "Kaitlin, listen to this song. It's my new jam!"
    Kaitlin: "Uhh.. I don't know if I'm fillin this."
    Me: "Just wait, it gets better. Wait for the beat to kick in."
    Kaitlin: "Ehh, I don't know. Remember, I don't listen to music the way you do; I don't think of it like, "Oh, yeah! That tempo is where it's at! Mmmn, that beat-- I just listen to the words." (haha, so true)
  • Sang, went, and *participated* in an Episcopalian church this last Sunday. For the love of dear S-A-I..
  • Sat by a pool while the people I went with swam. (seeing as I can't swim, this should definitely be marked as important) It could have been worst though: I could have been Kirbye; walking into a gated pool area, FULLY CLOTHED -- with a towel. No, wait. There was worst there: try a family of people, fully clothed, with matching "OP" Wal (star) Mart hair caps -- IN THE POOL. I met them both halfway: soffe shorts, a swim suit top, and a t-shirt. I'm not trippin, they won't remember me.
  • Had a short staring contest with a raccoon that appeared at my living room window
  • Expirenced Kistache (the somewhat local natural / forestry side of Natchitoches) for the first time with a few friends. Another trip where knowing how to swim could have heightened the "fun."
whoa, this was not suppose to be this long. PRINT PREVIEW, PRINT, X-Out.