The celebration didn't end until almost 5am this morning. Woke up on a couch this morning inside an apartment that's located next door to my old piano teacher's apartment..? What are the odds of one of your best friends moving in next door to your old piano teacher's apartment? Seriously, what are the odds? She's not there anymore, but still -- the memory's there of all those years walking up to that door and hearing her bitch at someone for not practicing. I need to call her soon torant about how good everything is going musically and non-musically.
"Hey, Esther. Yeah, I'm not apart of your "music academy" anymore so lower those eyebrows since I'm on a first name basis with you. I have job playing stuff I never practiced for you. I mean-- I have a job pretty much sight reading stuff I never practiced for you. Yeah, I've improved that much without your expensive help my junior / senior year. And without you smacking on your bananas and whatever I heard you adding extra distraction to in my ear while I was trying to play that Bach for you. (to be cont'd)" (btw-- that's the uncensored version. I'm not that bold / too polite to the elders to pull the "keepin' it real" card)
After getting unloaded from Natchitoches, I met up with my friend Tanner at his new place, met his new crew / roomies, and enjoyed some pie. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories / what makes them who they are / their interests.
Interesting stories / quotes of the night:
(after meeting Tanner's new friends Santos and Stephen)
(Stephen was a typical frat kid (Kappa Sigma, to be exact) with his broad and clever knowledge of how to set beer pong cups and his overwhelming eagerness to boast about the fact that he bought the 30 pack of Keystone in the fridge every 10 minutes. Other than the stereotypes I just listed, he was definitely a good time to be around. Hilarious. Every. Other. Sentence.
(Stephen was a typical frat kid (Kappa Sigma, to be exact) with his broad and clever knowledge of how to set beer pong cups and his overwhelming eagerness to boast about the fact that he bought the 30 pack of Keystone in the fridge every 10 minutes. Other than the stereotypes I just listed, he was definitely a good time to be around. Hilarious. Every. Other. Sentence.
(If only he knew though; Word Association: Keystone, Bull Piss, Sparkling White Welch's Grape Juice Gone Super Sour, YUCK in all caps) Santos didn't say much because of all the alcohol he'd been drinking. He was one of those that got super moist from drinking so much. He kept on having to go back inside to "cool off." Yet, him and Stephen together were a pretty funny duo. I knew he was part Asian, but I knew it didn't stop there so I had to ask..)
Me: "So what are you?"
Santos: "I'm part Irish, Italian, Portuguese, White, [etc.]"
Stephen: "Yeah, but your mom's white as FFFFUCK!"
Santos: "I'm part Irish, Italian, Portuguese, White, [etc.]"
Stephen: "Yeah, but your mom's white as FFFFUCK!"
Santos: "So I video taped me and my girl having sex multiple times.."
Stephen: "..yeah, and there was one time we passed that slut drivin'. I turned to Santos and was like, 'Isn't that that slut you slept with!? Hey slut from the video! SLUT FROM THE VIDEO! Oh, and the funny thing about her name: it was (pronounced, but probably not spelled: SHI'thead) But when you write it down it looks like Shit Head! That's what we called her.'"
(while interrupting all 3 of us from talking so loud -- around 3AMish)
Tanner: Shh! Guys, guys. We have to be quiet. My roommate's window is right up there and I can hear y'all two apartments down. I think I heard her cough. It's early. You can hear the birds.."
Tanner: Shh! Guys, guys. We have to be quiet. My roommate's window is right up there and I can hear y'all two apartments down. I think I heard her cough. It's early. You can hear the birds.."
(after making majority of the beer pong shots for me and Stephen's team)
Stephen: "Do you need a massage because I bet your back hurts from carrying our team to victory!"
Stephen: "Do you need a massage because I bet your back hurts from carrying our team to victory!"
I wonder how many times he's used that line..
(after dealing with sketchy people who are undecided whether they were going to show up)
Tanner: "You know, the way I see it, I'll text you once or twice, but don't think I'll be blowin' up your phone to come to my parties. Either you show up or you miss out, but bitch don't think I'm gonna beg you to come!"
Okay, questionable situation: is it "2010" to wear 3-D glasses to parties now? This is probably the 3rd party I've been to with jokers wearing 3-D glasses. We're already in 3-D, guys. Yet, these people had the film cut off where they were just frames..? Maybe it's an "L-town" thing; Lafayette, LA / Longview, TX. You won't find me doing that..
I'm super excited about the summer camps coming up! Brittany Laza's been elevating everyone's excitement with all her pre-camp info Facebook messages. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this and the reason why I'm so excited is probably because I'm not fully aware of what I'm going to have to do. Pretty sure I'll be blowing up this blog page with some good stories if we get internet at the Columns since that's where we're staying. I thought I was off the island for good. FALSE.
Dr. McLaren's husband is delivering a couch to our place for Charile and I this Friday! Ahh, one furniture piece closer to completing this undone creation of a house.
"Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age." -Christopher Morley
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